Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Finally got it!!

WooHoo i got my appointment through for 21st of April, bit gutted it's ages away. But look on the bright side least i have some light at the end of the tunnel!! Now i hope they request my x-ray and MRI results in time for it, and i don't end up chasing that too. Done fair amount of walking lately but soon suffer once you stop. In training to stop crossing my legs not even at the ankle, as once i have surgery i may dislocate the hip if i cross them,so better get out of the habit now!! And practice sleeping on my back too, which is sooooo hard as i'm a tummy side sleeper.


Anonymous said...

Debbie - don't worry too much about the sleeping thing. I'm a confirmed side sleeper - and just 8 days post op I was sleeping on my side. You have to put a firm pillow between your knees.

I would recommend starting to get used to doing that now. It's better for you anyway, even pre-op.

I can't sleep on my side all night, yet. But I'm getting there.

Suzi Smith said...

Fingers crossed for you debbie... xx