Monday, 23 November 2009

Weekend at Hospital

Saturday and Sunday. I finally got to see my girls on the Saturday as i'd wanted all tubes and ill looking stuff removed first, as this would of freaked them out and upset them. The crew wake you up around 6-7am which is so early to me, and this time it's up too me to wash myself and sort myself out, whereas the nurses had been doing it previously.
Saturday was the first time i ever got out of bed, and it was a shame it was the same day the kids came up. I felt sick and so shaky and i was given a frame, the famous zimmer. My legs had no signals going to them no matter how hard my brain was shouting instructions to them. But i had to push through it, as nurses say your mobile now so you can take yourself to the loo now, no need for us! I thought that was well harsh, would of liked some support for the first few trips, just to make sure i didn't fall. I would never of guessed how tiring it was, just going to the loo and back, so i slept like a log once family had gone.

Sunday was a blur of lots of trips to the loo by myself and gaining confidence, so equally i spent a lot of the day flat out asleep too, to recover from each little adventure from my bed. The frame certainly helped me feel steady and safe, but it is a slow mode of transport, so make sure you have time to actually get to the loo and don't get caught short!

I'm still not dressing my lower half by myself no matter how hard i try. The girl opposite me is rocking it, and i was well jealous! Just the dignity to put your own knickers on would of been nice. But i understand it will come eventually.

Noticed my leg like to do it's own thing a lot, so i recommend getting someone to wedge a towel along your ankle to make your foot face fowards, as mine would rest flat going west, pulling the groin area. It hurts a little at first to have the towel there, but it is needed so keep a good position on the leg.

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