Monday, 29 March 2010

Bloody Stockings

Well i can certainly say i hate them, with a vengance!! It all started because i felt itchy on my legs, so i thought it might be my stockings irritating me, or the latex part as the rash and itching feels like an allergic reaction. I want to scratch my skin off, and i do rake it every night unfortunately, but it's so hard to stop. Went to the GP's to ask and got no joy really, she tried to write me a prescription but didn't know any brands to write down, so asked me to pop over to the chemists to ask them, then she could write it and i could try a new brand and hopefully a new colour too, perhaps the itching would go?? Well the damn chemists said with or without a prescription i couldn't have the ones they stock as they are for sale only, i'd have to go back to the hospital for some. But this hospital has already said i must go to the gp, not them. Aaaaarrrggghhh worse thing is i know other girls that are getting dvt stockings and tights on the nhs and in various colours!! So why can't i? they gave me the bloody dvt from neglect and now they can't be arsed to treat me, and worse still they had all overlooked the fact i'd had a stomach ulcer recently and i'm taking Warfrin without any sort of protection for my stomach. I only got worried as i'd just read in the local paper that a man had died as he had the same problem that they hospital staff had overlooked the fact he had a stomach ulcer while taking Warfrin and ultimately bled into his stomach and died. So terrified it would happen to me i asked the gp, who said oh you should of been on protective medication for the day you were diagnosed with a dvt. Well why wasn't i?? How did my gp's and consultant and the Anti-Co-ag nurse all miss this simple fact?? how anyone survives is beyond me, thats twice now i could of died from simple neglect. First was obviously walking around with a dvt getting bigger and bigger daily for 6 weeks because no-one wanted to give me any preventative treatment even though hip surgery alone puts you in a high risk category, i was extremely lucky for none of that clot to break off and kill me, seen as this is extremely common!! Second i could of bled to death anytime in the 3 months i've had this dvt without any stomach protecting medication. Disgusting is how i see it, there's only so many times you can shrug off all these mistakes and put them down to bad luck. And did i mention our local hospital, is STAFFORD hospital and half of it is shut due to the novovirus, and you want to send me there, i don't think so, i don't have a death wish!!
So it's all just so depressing to be honest, still have a staple stuck inside the leg, in the scar bit. And yes i'm still on 2 crutches officially, although around the home or quick visits out i use 1 crutch, but don't have any appointments for x-rays until the 27th April.
And i'm still itchy, didn't get any help from the gp and i haven't got any help from the co-ag nurse either so i guess it's up to me to find out why my legs are so itchy?? On the side effects of warfrin there is a skin rash warning, and i have recently changed brand of warfrin so i will try to change my brand back and see if that makes me feel any better. And try not to scratch myself until i bleed as that wont be very helpful. xx

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