Friday, 29 January 2010

No more Injections

Yay! After my bloodtest on Tues the Nurse rung me to say my INR was at 2 and teh injections could stop. WooHoo!! I was so pleased as they had begun to get so sore (especially after the stuff had been injected in) and i was bruising proper bad as well.
The bruises have got a little worse this week even though i'm not injecting so i best ask the Nurse about that.
But the freedom i've felt just from not having these is amazing, Although i think my Hubster missing it as we bonded over the treatments. He would make a lovely Nurse for someone, maybe he should change his profession?
Just been practicing my exercises all week and pushing myself by walking round town for the first time and round shops (this has been heaven, and makes me feel like i'm finally progressing) The leg is feeling so much stronger i'm eager to ditch the crutch to try it out, but daren't just in case it isn't any better inside.
The DVT has proper played up as much as possible this week, but each time it gets worse it's following a day i've been out and about on the leg and pushed it too the max. So it's just reminding me it's there, Just by swelling up again, pain and swollen foot so you can't put the shoe on. I'm wearing the compression stockings and the Warfrin is being taken so i need to balance rehabbing and fun with rest and recovery.
I still can't get my clothes on and it's so annoying now as it's been 3 months since surgery. I'm not asking for much just too wear my skinnies would be nice. But i'd even settle for leggings for now to fit comfortably. It's my tummy as it's looking like i'm sporting a baby bump! Lol
But it's all positive this week i think, i'm starting to be able to move around the house freer and i'm not so sore at the end of each night. It can only get better from here.

Side note, i really think i've got a staple left in just under the scar. it's not from when they were removed as the wound was shut, but probably when i was being stapled during surgery. I showed the Nurse when i had my bloodtest and her eyes said it all, like she too knew it was a staple, but she didn't say it was. This is was where i had an infection so it's quite likely it is a staple, it even fits the shape and size. I will have to ask when i have my new x-rays and see the Consultant too.


Louisa B said...

good, no more injections, staples you think they'd be more careful. I remember getting back to the shops and feeling the same, good for you!

Kris, in New England said...

So happy for you! Progress can be slow at times, but it's progress nonetheless. Getting around w/out pain is just such an amazing feeling - even if it's still supported with a crutch.