Sunday, 11 March 2012


I Passed the Tribunal again YAY!!! It's a slightly hollow victory as the system allows the DWP to recall you up for another assessment after a week, month, couple of months, six months or a year. Last time it was 6 months well got the letter after 3 months so the panic and worry sets in a mere 12 weeks after the success of your win at declaring your innocence in court.

But I wont be negative and just think positive thoughts, and while I'm on the positive subject, I'll tell you how amazing my recovery is going right now. I have been very naughty and walking around the house with one crutch! It's hard work and exhausting but I truly feel this is working the leg far more than a few stretches are, so the physio is being dropped off in favour of walking with one crutch. The leg is feeling very strong now, and when I have miss-stepped or twisted I have stood firm and strong which is a huge difference.

Not ready for the outside world with one crutch, but a tiny bungalow and I'm very happy with that. Painkillers are now being slowly weaned off, which can only be good news. Knee flares up more than hip and definitely got some major shoulder and hand issues due to the Hypermobility so seeking professional help for that next week.

Other good news...... For those that watch Jerseylicious and Glam Fairy I'm proud to say that my Jewellery has been seen on the Stars of these shows,

On Alexa Hand from the Glam Fairy and on Tracy DiMarco and Corey Eps on Jerseylicious. I will be looking out for them, to see if they make an appearance on the show.


I Passed the Tribunal again YAY!!! It's a slightly hollow victory as the system allows the DWP to recall you up for another assessment after a week, month, couple of months, six months or a year. Last time it was 6 months well got the letter after 3 months so the panic and worry sets in a mere 12 weeks after the success of your win at declaring your innocence in court.

But I wont be negative and just think positive thoughts, and while I'm on the positive subject, I'll tell you how amazing my recovery is going right now. I have been very naughty and walking around the house with one crutch! It's hard work and exhausting but I truly feel this is working the leg far more than a few stretches are, so the physio is being dropped off in favour of walking with one crutch. The leg is feeling very strong now, and when I have miss-stepped or twisted I have stood firm and strong which is a huge difference.

Not ready for the outside world with one crutch, but a tiny bungalow and I'm very happy with that. Painkillers are now being slowly weaned off, which can only be good news. Knee flares up more than hip and definitely got some major shoulder and hand issues due to the Hypermobility so seeking professional help for that next week.

Other good news...... For those that watch Jerseylicious and Glam Fairy I'm proud to say that my Jewellery has been seen on the Stars of these shows,

On Alexa Hand from the Glam Fairy and on Tracy DiMarco and Corey Eps on Jerseylicious. I will be looking out for them, to see if they make an appearance on the show.

Friday, 2 March 2012

Tribunal and the Treatment of the Disabled

Had my Tribunal on Friday and feel like i can only just now speak about it. I got there after a nice clear road and parked in their disabled parking spot which is actually all the way round the back, they do this to watch you on their camera's to see how you get out of the car and to see how far you can walk without stopping etc... I finally get in after taking about 7mins to walk around the slalom path of uneven and crooked slabs, (nice if your in a wheelchair and not so hot with crutches)

They do a metal detector all over you and you have to empty pockets and finally your inside, the chairs are really low (so ask if you can get a higher one if you are struggling to put hips pass 90degrees). The Clerk came out to see us and told us the papers wouldn't be excepted as it was too late for them. My Case worker was rung up the day we got the date, we got that on the 15thFeb, she only works 3 days a week and you have to get ALL evidence in a week before the date. Impossible when they only give you 2 weeks notice in full. They complained the paperwork was dated and not current, I couldn't get new letters off surgeon in that amount of notice.

I had 2 women, I knew i was in trouble at that point, the Doctor one just then systematically ripped me apart. The issue of getting a job is so much harder than if you already had a job to go back too. For starters what employer is going to take you on knowing you can't walk much, sitting down too long hurts just as much and you need countless days off for physio and hydro and more surgery coming up. I understand some do and can. But i felt i couldn't as i'm drugged up to the eyeballs everyday without fail, and i've not left the house by myself for just over 2yrs now. I can't wait to be able to get back to work, Nothing would give me greater pleasure, i miss it and i miss the social interaction. I can't even handle shopping and i LOVE that.

Anyways they go on to humiliate and embarrass you, by making you go through every little detail, Like going to the toilet, bathing, dressing and housework. i understand this that they have too, but not in the accusatory way she went for me, I ended up feeling like the shi*test mother there is. She said you must be cleaning the house (I'm not the kids and Hubby do their best, i operated the cooker, but never dish out, i operate the washing machine but don't fill it or empty it) So i broke down and cried my heart out a lot! Very embarrassing as i had no intention of doing that.

Didn't get an answer there and then so that generally means you've failed the tribunal. My choice now is to go further up the chain and have all money stopped to clear my name and prove i can't work. Or start a fresh claim and the tribunal would of won that battle and think they were right and i am lying! At the moment i'm FIGHTING as i have to remember those that can't and don't for fear and intimidation. It was overwhelming for me, who has support who has friends and a case worker to help, What of those that don't? I fight for them.

Tribunal and the Treatment of the Disabled

Had my Tribunal on Friday and feel like i can only just now speak about it. I got there after a nice clear road and parked in their disabled parking spot which is actually all the way round the back, they do this to watch you on their camera's to see how you get out of the car and to see how far you can walk without stopping etc... I finally get in after taking about 7mins to walk around the slalom path of uneven and crooked slabs, (nice if your in a wheelchair and not so hot with crutches)

They do a metal detector all over you and you have to empty pockets and finally your inside, the chairs are really low (so ask if you can get a higher one if you are struggling to put hips pass 90degrees). The Clerk came out to see us and told us the papers wouldn't be excepted as it was too late for them. My Case worker was rung up the day we got the date, we got that on the 15thFeb, she only works 3 days a week and you have to get ALL evidence in a week before the date. Impossible when they only give you 2 weeks notice in full. They complained the paperwork was dated and not current, I couldn't get new letters off surgeon in that amount of notice.

I had 2 women, I knew i was in trouble at that point, the Doctor one just then systematically ripped me apart. The issue of getting a job is so much harder than if you already had a job to go back too. For starters what employer is going to take you on knowing you can't walk much, sitting down too long hurts just as much and you need countless days off for physio and hydro and more surgery coming up. I understand some do and can. But i felt i couldn't as i'm drugged up to the eyeballs everyday without fail, and i've not left the house by myself for just over 2yrs now. I can't wait to be able to get back to work, Nothing would give me greater pleasure, i miss it and i miss the social interaction. I can't even handle shopping and i LOVE that.

Anyways they go on to humiliate and embarrass you, by making you go through every little detail, Like going to the toilet, bathing, dressing and housework. i understand this that they have too, but not in the accusatory way she went for me, I ended up feeling like the shi*test mother there is. She said you must be cleaning the house (I'm not the kids and Hubby do their best, i operated the cooker, but never dish out, i operate the washing machine but don't fill it or empty it) So i broke down and cried my heart out a lot! Very embarrassing as i had no intention of doing that.

Didn't get an answer there and then so that generally means you've failed the tribunal. My choice now is to go further up the chain and have all money stopped to clear my name and prove i can't work. Or start a fresh claim and the tribunal would of won that battle and think they were right and i am lying! At the moment i'm FIGHTING as i have to remember those that can't and don't for fear and intimidation. It was overwhelming for me, who has support who has friends and a case worker to help, What of those that don't? I fight for them.